Please complete all sections of this application form.

    Entry Fee - £20 PER PERSON

    SINGLES EVENT – Wednesday 24 July

    Special Offer if your child is playing in all 3 days there is a £5 discount so total £55

    Partners 1 - Singles Only

    Name - Player 1:

    Age - Player 1 (Years & Months - on 1st July)

    School Year - Sept, 2023(going into)

    Parent/guardian Email Address

    Name - Player 2: Singles Only

    Age - Player 2 (Years & Months - on 1st July)

    School Year - Sept, 2023(going into)

    Parent/guardian Email Address

    Singles Only


    Partners 1 - Doubles

    Name - Player 1

    Age - Player 1 (Years & Months - on 1st July)

    School Year - Sept, 2023(going into)

    Parent/guardian Email Address

    Name - Player 2

    Age - Player 2 (Years & Months - on 1st July)

    School Year - Sept, 2023(going into)

    Parent/guardian Email Address

    Girls Doubles Yr7&belowBoys Doubles Yr7&belowGirls Doubles Yr8&aboveBoys Doubles Yr8&aboveJunior Mixed Doubles All ages

    Partners 2

    Name - Player 1

    Age - Player 1 (Years & Months - on 1st July)

    School Year - Sept, 2023(going into)

    Parent/guardian Email Address

    Name - Player 2

    Age - Player 2 (Years & Months - on 1st July)

    School Year - Sept, 2023(going into)

    Parent/guardian Email Address

    Girls Doubles Yr7&belowBoys Doubles Yr7&belowGirls Doubles Yr8&aboveBoys Doubles Yr8&aboveJunior Mixed Doubles All ages

    Partners 3

    Name - Player 1

    Age - Player 1 (Years & Months - on 1st July)

    School Year - Sept, 2023(going into)

    Parent/guardian Email Address

    Name - Player 2

    Age - Player 2 (Years & Months - on 1st July)

    School Year - Sept, 2023(going into)

    Parent/guardian Email Address

    Girls Doubles Yr7&belowBoys Doubles Yr7&belowGirls Doubles Yr8&aboveBoys Doubles Yr8&aboveJunior Mixed Doubles All ages

    Your Details

    Parent/Guardian Name

    Contact Mobile Number

    Email Address

    Photography Permission

    I agree that photos taken of the children on this form can be used on the website and social media created by Benenden Tennis Tournament Committee.

    Junior Raffle

    A highlight of the Tournament is the Junior Raffle with all Prizes kindly donated by local shops, parents, friends. All the money raised from this goes to charity, mainly local children's charities. Please pre-purchase your children's Raffle tickets here - They can then collect them from the Raffle tent on the day and will be automatically entered.

    The raffle will be drawn after the Junior Boys and Girls doubles at 4pm at the main tea tent.

    Amount: Please add to the registration amount when paying.

    DETAILS (please advise if you want tickets to go to more than 1 child
    Please include name and amount e.g. Will Wixley £5, John Smith £5


    We develop some nice branded merchandise for the tournament and to ensure maximum profits for charity it would be excellent if you could let us know if you would be interested in ordering these.

    For T-shirts and Hoodies these need to be pre-ordered and paid for prior to 1 July 2024. We will contact you once selected with size options.

    T-Shirt Size
    X- Small – U8Small – U 10Medium – U 12Large – 12+
    T-Shirt Quantity


    As Benenden is a charity tournament, and run by volunteers, it would be much appreciated if any parent could spare a couple of hours on the days to help with supervising a court, umpiring the younger players, helping in the tea tent or baking a cake. Supervisors are normally asked to help on a court where their own child is playing. We will brief you on any task you volunteer for.
    Please volunteer for a slot or two if you can. We will contact you *if we need you* to confirm your time the week before the tournament.

    Name of Volunteer 1

    Availability of Volunteer 1

    Name of Volunteer 2

    Availability of Volunteer 2

    Name of Volunteer 3

    Availability of Volunteer 3

    Important Information

    • Please make sure you have filled in the ages of competitors (in both years and months on 1st July) as this determines which court they will play on.
    • Please Note: Tennis partners should be no more than 1 year apart in age.
    • The tournament is run in a round-robin format with medals for all court winners and runners-up. Each court is made up of children who are in the same age group.
    • For any questions relating to the Juniors Tournament, please contact Georgina Wixley at [email protected].
    • Dogs (except guide dogs) are not permitted on the school grounds.
    • The Tournament will be played on the all-weather courts in the grounds.
    • Registration will be at 8.45am and play starts at 9.00am each day.
    • Unauthorised access into the school buildings is NOT permitted.
    • In the interest of safety, we ask that children do not ride skateboards, scooters or bikes etc around the school grounds.
    • All children must be supervised at tournament by parent/adult

    Payment Information

    Payment for both players is required at the time of booking.

    Direct Transfer

    For direct BACs transfers, the account details are:
    Reference: CHILD PLAYING NAME,
    Sort Code: 60-21-20
    Account Number: 96643080